For Creatives Exhausted by Their Obligations

Because Doing It All Means Running Yourself into the Ground

I know how you feel – there are so many ideas that I want to make happen. Every day new opportunities present themselves in my head. I get started on a new project with plenty of enthusiasm and passion. But realistically, how many can I sustain?

The Uncompleted Project

You and I are not doing ourselves any favors by juggling a hundred projects. Burnout, washout, failure – or worse the “uncompleted project”. Nothing bolsters your self-esteem like a half dozen uncompleted projects nagging at your subconscious. [sarcasm]

Old Solution for A Modern Problem

But you don’t have to be a slave to shiny new ideas. The solution is “Focus”. An age-old secret remedy for modern restlessness.

In a few steps, you too can harness the power of “Focus”
1) Write down what’s really important to you; what is the best use of your skills, time and enthusiasm.
2) Evaluate your current and future commitments against what’s important to you.
3) Say no to things outside of what’s important to you.

An Investment in Your Future Happiness

The miracle of “Focus” is that once you have it, your work will give you energy instead of sucking the life from you.

You Don’t Have to Go It Alone

Sounds simple. Simple yes; easy no. Like building a home, building “Focus” is a process. With plenty of investment of your time and effort. For many, building “Focus” alone can be daunting, but you can find help.

Click here to schedule a free one-hour consultation with Savvy Home Office Services to set you on the path to “Focus”.

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